Shipping and Returns - אמונה עמוקה

אמונה עמוקה - תפילות לזיווג ומוצרי יודאיקה

כל המוצרים באתר הונחו ובורכו על קבר התנא יונתן בן עוזיאל

טלפון לבירורים 054-7691570

Shipping and Returns

Shipping and Returns
Returns and cancellations
Cancellation of a transaction will be done by contacting the site.
The purchaser shall be responsible for the examination and examination of the goods purchased through the site and it is his responsibility to inform the company of defects in the product if such will not be later than five days from the date of delivery of the product to him.
In the event of a defect, the purchaser will be entitled to replace the product with another one.
The Company shall not be liable for consequential, indirect damages as a result of using the Product.
Return of items will be made to the address of the company : emuna amuka, p.o 1924, rosh pina,zip 120000, israel.
 Cancellation of a transaction will be permitted in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Regulations (Cancellation of Transaction) (2010), within 14 days from the date of purchase against presentation of invoice and when the product is new in its original packaging and has not been used.
The return of the consideration will be made after the receipt of the product to the seller when it is new and in its original packaging.
The prayers shall not be refunded unless the cancellation is made on that day of the invitation.
No shipping charges will be refunded.
The site is not responsible for any delay / late in delivery and will not compensate for it.